Whether you’re a young athlete or a seasoned one, you can benefit from a custom made athletic mouthguard in McMinnville. With over 40% of sports-related injuries involving the face, it’s crucial to protect your jaw and teeth from threats of impact with other players and trauma. A little bit of an investment up-front will allow you to save big by avoiding unexpected trips to the emergency dentist at Evans Street Dental. Call our office today to learn more about our athletic mouthguards and how you can start the process of getting one.
Athletic mouthguards are a quintessential piece of gear that everyone who plays sports should have on them. They’re designed to fit over the top arch of teeth to protect the mouth from impact and even help reduce the severity of concussions. When the mouthguard is in, you’ll be less likely to face severe injuries to the lips, tongue, face, teeth, and jaw, making them ideal for those who play contact sports as well as other hobbies or athletics that put them at risk of oral injury.
There are several different types of mouthguards you can purchase, and while any one is better than none, they offer varying levels of protection. Ready-made and mouth-formed sportsguards are ones that you can purchase in most sporting goods and department stores. They’re less costly because they’re not custom-fitted for you or your child’s mouth. Because of this, they also offer less reliable protection.
On the other hand, custom-fitted mouthguards created by our skilled team at Evans Street Dental in collaboration with our expert dental laboratory, offers optimal protection from sports-related impact. Our team will capture a 3D digital impression of your mouth using our impression system. We’ll then send off the file to our dental laboratory to craft a customized sportsguard that fits over your teeth perfectly. Our mouthguards tend to be less bulky and sleeker, making them easier to breathe with in your mouth. They also tend to last longer, as they’re made from durable cushioning materials.
Follow these tips to get the most out of your customized athletic mouthguard in McMinnville:
Children’s and adult’s athletic mouthguards have different costs. Our team can let you know what the cost of your sportsguard will be before you decide to invest in it by providing you with a detailed cost estimate. We also work with third-party financiers like Cherry to make paying for the best protection for your smile easier to fit within your budget.