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Critical Thinking: Is the ER the Right Place for Your Dental Emergency?

June 14, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — evansstdental @ 6:53 pm
Patient holding their cheek due to a dental emergency

Dental emergencies can be both alarming and painful, leaving you wondering where to go in a panic. Should you rush to the emergency room (ER) or wait to see your dentist? Knowing where to go for the right treatment can save you time, money, and unnecessary stress. Continue reading to find a guide to help you decide when a trip to the ER is the solution for your dental emergency.

When Should I Go to the ER for a Dental Emergency?

While most dental emergencies can be handled by your dentist, there are times when the right call is to hoof it to your nearest emergency room instead. Here’s what to look out for:

Severe Pain and Swelling

If you’re experiencing intense pain or significant swelling in your face, jaw, or neck, it’s time to head to the ER. This could be a symptom of a serious infection or abscess that needs immediate attention to prevent it from spreading and causing complications.

Uncontrollable Bleeding

Accidents and injuries can sometimes result in heavy bleeding from cuts, scrapes, and punctures in your mouth. If the bleeding doesn’t stop after applying pressure for 10-15 minutes, find your nearest ER. Significant blood loss can lead to weakness, nausea, and more severe effects if left untreated.

Trauma to the Face or Jaw

In cases of trauma, such as a car accident or sports injury where you may have broken bones, the ER is the right place to go. These injuries can affect more than just your teeth and need medical evaluation and treatment that your dentist can’t provide.

Difficulty Breathing or Swallowing

Swelling or infection from a dental issue that obstructs your airway or makes it hard to swallow is a medical emergency. Difficulty breathing or swallowing can be life-threatening and should be treated immediately at the ER.

When Should I See My Dentist for a Dental Emergency?

In virtually all other cases such as a broken or chipped tooth your dentist will provide the best care. Most emergency rooms aren’t equipped to handle issues regarding your teeth and gums. So, if you have a toothache, a lost crown, or a dental abscess, your dentist is your best bet.

Knowing when to go to the ER or your dentist for a dental emergency can ensure you get the right care at the right time. So, try to memorize the symptoms that point to danger and act accordingly. When in doubt, call your dentist first. They can provide you with guidance to send you in the right direction.

About the Author

If you’re struggling with a terrible toothache or other dental emergency in McMinnville, Dr. Natalya Ramsay can help you find relief. She holds a dental doctorate from the Oregon Health and Science University School of Dentistry. Since then, she has expanded her skills in several areas through continuing education and professional organizations. Call (503) 472-1402 to schedule an emergency appointment at Evans Street Dental or visit the website to see a full menu of other services and treatments they offer.

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