Sedation dentistry has helped millions of people across the nation take care of their oral health by providing them with a more comfortable experience in the dentist’s office. One common method of sedation is nitrous oxide in McMinnville, which is a fast-acting, safe, and versatile gas that’s administered in-office for optimal convenience. One thing that many anxious patients wonder is whether it will put them to sleep and if they’ll remember any part of their visit. Read on to learn about the effects of nitrous oxide and how it could improve your next visit.
What is Nitrous Oxide Sedation?
Nitrous oxide is a colorless, odorless gas that’s administered through a small nose mask that your dentist places once you get comfortable in the treatment chair. Within less than a minute of breathing it in, you’ll begin to feel a wave of warmth and relaxation wash over your body. After the effects have fully occurred, your sedation dentist in McMinnville will begin your treatment.
Will Nitrous Oxide Put You to Sleep?
Nitrous oxide is a method of conscious sedation, which means you won’t be asleep and will remain responsive throughout your visit. You’ll be monitored by a professional throughout the entire time. Once your procedure is over, the nose mask will be removed and the dentist will have you breathe in pure oxygen to quickly ward off any lingering effects of the sedation. Although many patients are able to return to their daily life directly after receiving nitrous oxide, it’s important to remember that sedation affects every person differently.
Will You Remember Anything After Dental Sedation?
It’s not uncommon for patients to experience mild amnesia or to fall asleep while they’re under nitrous oxide sedation. If this is the case for you, you may not remember parts of your visit. Keep in mind that this is completely normal and dependent on your unique reaction to the sedation. Your dentist and hygienist will be keeping a close eye on your vitals the entire time to make sure you’re safe.
Why Do Dentists Use Nitrous Oxide?
Sedation dentists typically use nitrous oxide after having a discussion with patients about their medical history, concerns, and their upcoming treatment or visit. It’s a great option if you have mild to moderate dental anxiety or fear or have a longer procedure that you need. In any case, your dentist will thoroughly brief you on everything you need to know about nitrous oxide before it’s administered to you.
When administered by a skilled professional, nitrous oxide has the ability to take a visit that would be anxiety-inducing and uncomfortable and transform it into one that’s highly effective, productive, and positive for your overall and oral health.
About the Author
Dr. Natalya Ramsay is passionate about making sure that each of her patients feels comfortable and well cared for whenever they visit her practice. She goes out of her way to soothe and support her patients whenever they may feel anxious or fearful and wants them to know that they’re in perfectly capable and experienced hands. For questions or to learn more about nitrous oxide sedation, visit Evans Street Dental’s website or call 503-472-1402.